My Process: Cobbler-ing & My Super Gracious Family

This post is a another edition of an earlier post about sharing my ‘process’. It’s a little bit like looking behind the scenes, but not technical photographer stuff. It’s more about sharing a little of who I am and how I chase down becoming the photographer I want to be and that you deserve. 🙂 If you want more context check out this post and this post. If not, carry on… 

There’s some cliche phrase about how the ‘cobbler’s family has no shoes’ that I hear all the time. I think it has something to do with a professional whatever being so busy that they never have time to use their talents on their own family. Like a dentist never cleaning his kids teeth (worst example ever?) or, in my case, a photographer who never takes pictures of his own family.

I guess that’s not the story for me. If I were a cobbler (which I think refers to a fixer of shoes, not a wonderful dessert), my family would have loads of shoes. A lot of them useless, a lot of them too abstract, most of them without make-up, and a few worth holding on to.

That’s because my family, gracious as they are, typically make up the first line of practice subjects. And it’s not just Kris and Brady… although they carry the bulk of the load. This goes through the extended family as well.

The thing is I (a) want to stay sharp, (b) want to keep growing, and (c) don’t want to ‘practice’ on my clients.

So I practice on my people. And I’m so very thankful that they allow me to learn at their expense.

Here’s some examples… from the last 7 days… starting with Easter, going through this morning and even 10 minutes ago.

01 - my kind of light

02 - easter eggs

03 - my boy with easter eyes

04 - gotcha

05 - more of my light 06 - mi familia

07 - so gorgeous 08 - my heart 09 - doing work

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