Save The Date – cmp studios Open House!

We’ve had a lot of big changes go down over the last few months and we just can’t keep them in anymore!

So we’re having a little get-together.

What going on? Well, it’s part grand opening, part reopening, part housewarming party, part excuse to hang out with friends and have some fun. The studio is just about done and we’d love for you to come check it out and see what we’ve been up to. There will be more details to follow but for now keep the evening of March 2nd available, watch the blog for more info and look for the invite in your email.

If you’d like to make sure your on the list and in the know, send me an email here.

Meet the Staff: Introducing Linsey…

Quick to smile and quicker to laugh, Linsey is one of our resident wedding photographers. She’s a natural talent behind the camera, bringing out the best in everyone and everything she photographs. She also adds a touch of diversity to our crew with her love for Canon equipment. No judgement here…

And yes… no ‘d’ in Linsey. 🙂

Project 365: January Update


In the almighty name of internet accountability, I thought I’d share the progress on Project 365.

While millions are out there resolving to lose weight and kiss in the rain, I’m enhancing society by taking daily pictures with my iPhone.

You’re welcome!


The best news so far about Project 365 is that I’m actually doing it. My goal this year is to notice the small, everyday happenings, and having an alarm go off at 5 p.m. every night gives me a second to think about what, if anything, I’ve attended to that day.

I’m definitely memory-challenged, so it’s already fun to look back over the past three weeks and see where we’ve been.

Statistically speaking, 27% of these photos concern food. And that is holding back. I think I’m noticing food more than just about anything.

Sometimes the food is great…like this hot chocolate with heart-shaped-whipped-cream after school on a snowy day.

Other times, the food represented failure.

Sometimes of epic proportions.

Sometimes on people’s birthdays.

Yeah, pretty much the other theme I’ve noticed is capturing failure.

Is it more interesting than success? Maybe.

Sometimes it hurts the heart.

But thank goodness there are unexpected moments where beauty and timing collide…like when the morning sky is painted with neon mercy.

Soldier-on, fellow Project 365ers. And if you haven’t started yet, it’s never too late.

Clearly, this isn’t about perfection:)

Peter and Crystal ~ Chautauqua & Boulder Engagement Session

I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do with Peter and Crystal right from the start. Crystal has the most amazing eyes and Peter compliments her brilliantly with his disarming smile and genuine personality. I thought the combination would make for some great ‘dramatic’ images.

I’m always curious how couples fit together and try to show that dynamic through their pictures. The more I got to know Peter and Crystal, the more I wanted to showcase their connection.

I’m really excited about how their sessoin turned out. The two fit together so well and I think their pictures show that!

Meet the Staff: Introducing Raine…

That sweet southern voice you hear when you call cmp?

That would be Raine.

Pronounced like rainy, she’s the glue holding all us creative types together behind the scenes. She’s keeper of the calendar, orderer of the prints, and our best first impression. And now… it’s her turn for the spotlight!

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