Scarfing 101

A few weeks ago, we covered the awesomeness that is fall.

Along with hurricane force winds, fashion challenges arise due to unpredictable weather mood swings.

Today we’ll tackle the tricky accessory sometimes misused as a neck brace or apron: The Scarf.

I know, scarves don’t seem that challenging, but on a photography blog we need to discuss something important: the difference between wearing a scarf on a midnight grocery run for tortilla chips and the scarf as an accessory in a family picture that could be on the wall forever.

Tortilla Chip Degree of Difficulty: 1.5

Family Picture Degree of Difficulty: 9.9

There are so many Scarfy nuances and complexities that I’m tempted to make this an 8-part series, but I’m afraid readership would dwindle a bit during the “Scarves as Worn by Scooby Doo Characters” segment.

So over the next week, we’ll tackle Scarfing in a few simple segments.


The scarf should look like a proportionate accessory that complements the entire outfit.


In the example above, we kind of get the feeling that the scarf magically spun out of control on the loom in a Disney movie or perhaps a rust-colored, silky anaconda is about to strangle the life out of this poor girl.

Sometimes, when excited by a full, dramatically awesome scarf , we want to wear it for a fall photo shoot. When people look at the picture, their minds aren’t noticing the stellar photography, kids’ expressions, or the breathtaking scenery. They’re wondering, “What is the actual yardage of that scarf?” or “Did the Smith’s get a new family pet to replace Snowball?” and “Did she lose a bet?”

{Also in reference to the photo above, please don’t wear shorts that are inches shorter than your hands in for a session.}



In this photo, the scarf seems like a natural extension of the outfit. The colors complement each other, the scarf isn’t trying to eat the child, and with the wind gently blowing, it even seems seasonally appropriate.

And remember…this shouldn’t change how you bundle in a scarf during a blizzard while shoveling the driveway. By all means, stay warm and mummify your neck if need be. But hopefully that swaddled look won’t carry over into your family photo session.

Lastly, to prepare for Scarfing 102 {Pop of Color Tutorial}, here’s a quick and fun video to spark your creativity 🙂

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