Manor House Wedding: Caleb and Winnie

Caleb and Winnie were married this last weekend at the stunning Manor House in Littleton, Colorado. You may remember these two from their engagement session in February featuring their brand new little puppy.

Surrounded by loving family and friends, Caleb and Winnie’s wedding was the perfect mixture of meaning, fun, smiles, laughter, and tears of joy. It was an honor for Linsey and I to be a part of the day with such amazing people.

A special shout out needs to be given to the bridal party. The boys made it look easy and the ladies from Texas braved the cold without complaint. (…or at least with very little complaint. 🙂 )

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manor house wedding colorado picturemanor house wedding colorado picturemanor house wedding colorado picturemanor house wedding colorado picturemanor house wedding colorado picturemanor house wedding colorado picturemanor house wedding colorado picture

Favorites: Vail Wedding at Piney River Ranch

Vail weddings at Piney River Ranch are some of my favorites. Piney is stunning. It’s just a little off the beaten path and really feels like a destination wedding venue. The weather can be all over the place in the course of a day, which is fun to work with. During the wedding, we’ll have moody light with clouds, the occasional gust of wind for that perfect ‘model look’, clear skies, and usually a slight drizzle at some point.

Sara and Blake’s wedding actually happened quite a while ago and we missed blogging it during the rush. It’s another one of the favorites around here so I’ve planned to post it at some point when we had a quiet week.

Josh and Amy: A Soft Engagement Session?

One word: Soft.

It’s a bit of an inside joke. (While reading this, my bet is that Josh and Amy are already smiling at this point, if not laughing…) Hang with me and I’ll explain, or at least attempt to explain.

Among other things, it’s very important to me to understand what my couples want in their photography. What do they want their pictures to look and feel like? Over the years, I’ve found that asking this as a direct question is not as helpful as one would think. Sitting across from a professional photographer, people often feel under-qualified or even clueless when describing the type of photography they’re after.

On top of that, there are some popular words that mean a variety of things to variety of people. Candid, vintage, artistic, and the like can mean a lot of different things. So I try to go beyond these words and drive at the words that come naturally to my couples.

Amy’s word? Soft.

In my effort (and Josh’s effort as well) to understand what soft meant, we found ourselves going through pictures as if they were flashcards.

“Is this soft?”


“This one?”


“And this one?”

“kind of”

And on and on we went, to the point that it’s now an inside joke and the first thing that comes up when Josh and I talk about the wedding. Amy smiles graciously at us when we reminder her of the conversation, but I think she may be smacking the two of us in her mind. 🙂

I loved this session, I love working with these two, and I love their pictures. Soft or not? I’m still not entirely clear… Either way, I’m looking forward to their upcoming wedding at the beautiful Highlands Ranch Mansion.

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