Denver Engagement Photographer: Jim + Caitlin

This post is super overdue, so I apologize. In fact, I apologize in advance for the next several posts as they vary from super overdue to incredibly super overdue. Anyway, I digress…

We met up with Jim and Caitlin in Boulder for their engagement session. Jim loved the camera, which was kind of funny, and the camera loved Caitlin. They’re such a fun couple and easy to be around. I can’t wait for their upcoming wedding at the Dove House. It’s going to be gorgeous! I hope you enjoy their pictures…


Denver Engagement Photographer: All Good In The End

Justin and Hannah are a riot. Proof? Justin brought a banana suit to the engagement session. I was thrilled. Unfortunately, we were short on light and long in traffic so we didn’t get to it. Maybe it’ll make an appearance at the wedding?

Their story is a fun one, tricky, but fun. We talked it through for over an hour and I think I’m close. If I’ve got it right, then it goes that their 1st date was both the 3rd and 5th time they met. And in all fairness to Justin, it wasn’t actually their first date. I guess that came later.

See… it’s tricky.

It’s like this… Justin saw this amazing and beautiful girl that completely captured him. He wandered over to introduce himself when she promptly reminded him that they’d previously met. Twice. However, Justin’s got so much game that he overcame the momentary set back and got her phone number. However, it was the wrong phone number. Whether that was done on purpose or not is debatable.

So, the third time they met was Justin’s first time meeting Hannah. The 5th time they met was the first time they actually started moving in the right direction!

At the end of the day, they’re wonderful together. I’m so glad it worked out. Every guy wants to make a girl laugh the way Justin makes Hannah laugh. Every guy wants to be looked at like Hannah looks at Justin. You’ll see what I mean in the pictures…



Denver Wedding Photographer: Tall & Not Dumb

For this session, I’m going with a top 3 list…

My top 3 favorite things from working with Lindsey and Karl, in no particular order.

  1. At one point, I asked Karl what he loved about Lindsey. I don’t often go to this question because it’s a bit played when you’re engaged, but somehow it came up. Karl, with little hesitation said “she’s smart and not fat.” I almost lost it. Turns out, it’s an inside joke.
  2. At this point I felt compelled to turn the question over to Lindsey who replied “he’s tall and not dumb”. Priceless.
  3. We were taking some pictures at Mines in front of their official seal when Lindsey commented on how the seal would be the most beautiful thing in the shot for Karl. He quickly replied, “no, you’re the most beautiful thing in the picture.” Ahhhh… too sweet!

Karl and Lindsey are amazing people. It’s evident how well they fit together and how much they love each other. They’re wedding is right around the corner and I can’t wait!

Denver Engagement Photographer: Surviving Monopoly

I find that the best couples always have a ‘Monopoly’ story.

What’s a ‘Monopoly’ story?

I’m glad you asked.

It typically comes up unexpected. A lazy evening leads to a decision to break out the old Monopoly board. “Ya, that will be fun. I can’t remember the last time I played Monopoly.” It seems innocent and begins harmlessly. But this is a critical and defining moment, often infamous, in the history of the relationship. What starts out as a relaxing way to spend the evening quietly picks up momentum. She lands on Free Parking and explains that it’s her family tradition to collect $500. He happens to be the first one to land on Boardwalk… then Park Place. She won’t trade. He puts up hotels.

Next thing you know true personalities are revealed, competition begins to surface, things are said, tempers flare, somebody has a tiny metal thimble thrown at their head.

Thus, the birth of the Monopoly story. The epic tale of why you know longer play Monopoly together.

Of course, it’s not always Monopoly for every couple. For Kristi and I, it was actually a card game. But we survived. Now we laugh… and decided to protect our marriage by never being on the same team when playing cards…

I think all the best couples have a story like this because I think all the best couples enjoy playing together.

Josh and Courtney are that couple. They love to spend time together, to play together and have fun together. They fit together just perfectly. Watching them, you can see how well they compliment the other’s strengths and weaknesses. They take care of each other. They walk their dogs, enjoying the weather and each others company. They cook together, creating their own traditional recipes. Their love for each other and enjoyment of life is both inspiring and contagious.

I’m so excited to be part of telling their story and can’t wait for their wedding in September.

Maybe I’ll get them Monopoly as a wedding gift…

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